Do you like to travel? I love to travel! I like seeing new places, experiencing different cultures, and eating a variety of flavors. If traveling by plane, I try to get the window seat if possible. It amazes me that the human race has invented a means of transportation that can travel at almost 1,000 miles per hour! My favorite part is the lift off. You get this child-like thrill. You feel the initial tug of the plane as it sits on the runway and then starts to travel faster and faster. Then at the end of the runway, the plane leaps off the ground with such strength. It reminds me of Superman leaping off the ground. As the plane ascends into the sky you get higher and higher and the ground gets smaller and smaller. The houses look like the monopoly pieces and the cars look like ants on a mission.

When I look down on the city as we are flying, I imagine this is God’s view. Our all powerful and mighty God sees everything and knows what we think before we think it. He knows who is still sleeping in the houses I see below and He knows where all those cars are going. I am amazed because while God has all those people to care for, He chooses to love me and be with me every second of every day. This might seem an impossible feet from our womanly perspective. When we take care of children, it seems impossible to give every child our undivided attention 100% of the time. It is impossible for us, but not for God.

If you feel that God is “too busy” for you, you are wrong. God is so powerful that He is everywhere at every moment. He is outside of time. God desires intimacy with us, we just have to say “yes”. Remember, when we say “yes,” we get God’s grace. God cares for us since we are His own. He died for you and me. C.S. Lewis wrote, “When he died in the Wounded World He died not for men, but for each man. If each man had been the only man made, He would have done no less.” (Perelandra, 1943) God is never too busy for us. God is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. God is present everywhere. God is all knowing. God is all powerful. I hope the next time you travel by plane you have the opportunity to get the window seat and that you are reminded of the power of God when you look down below.

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  1. My favorite article so far!

    1. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.

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