Sarah Vacca is co-founder of The Graceful Catholic Woman. We say co-founder because it is the Lord who made this happen and inspired her to share her talents to build up His Kingdom. This website launched in March of 2022. Her background is Elementary Education, but she currently works in the business field as a Market Researcher. Sarah’s passions are teaching, intercessary prayer, evangelizing, saving money, and shopping.

Michael Vacca serves at the Editor in Chief of our website. Michael ensures that everything we post on our site is aligned with all teachings of the Catholic faith. He has a law degree from Ave Maria Law School and is current pursuing a Masters in Theology from Holy Apostle College and Seminary. He works for a Catholic non-profit, is a certified bioethicist and a spiritual director. Michael’s passions are reading, writing, intercessary prayer, and teaching.

Brian Hildebrand is our IT Expert. He specializes specializes in web design and development, including logo design, as well as support, maintenance, and website hosting services. Brian is currently pursuing a doctoratal degree in computer science. Brian is founder and owner of Ann Arbor Guru that helps to serve other Catholic websites and groups. Brian’s passions are music, computers, and serving others.